Use "diction|dictions" in a sentence

1. She had perfect diction.

2. His diction wasn't very good.

3. Actors need training in diction.

4. Godchildren aquincubital diction fjords highjack Carpings

5. Cacology definition is - bad diction or pronunciation

6. Her carriage and diction were always faultless.

7. 24 Her carriage and diction were always faultless.

8. Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker.

9. Bad diction marred the effectiveness of her speech.

10. Bad diction marred the effectiveness of his speech.

11. 1; noun Cacology Poor diction or choice of words

12. Above all, Plomer merely touches on the Elizabethan cadence and diction.

13. What does Cacology mean? Poor diction or choice of words

14. 4 Wordsworth rejected poetic diction in favour of ordinary language.

15. Cacology (usually uncountable, plural cacologies) Poor diction or choice of words

16. Archaism definition is - the use of archaic diction or style

17. His diction is generally poor and his words often inaudible.

18. Johnson's notion of poetic diction distinguishes it clearly from prose.

19. It is very helpful for a language teacher to have good diction.

20. As to the style, there remain some differences in diction and paragraphing.

21. There was a lot of concentration on the voice and good diction.

22. Often, one changes her style, tone, diction, etc., when presenting to different Audiences

23. In the art of puBlic speaking, clear diction is a sine qua non.

24. Archaism is part of a style of diction known as “archaic diction”. This is when, as the previous definition hinted at, old fashioned words are used to create a particular mood or tone

25. They were sentimental as could be, and the rhymes were strained, and the diction archaic.

26. Synonyms for Barbarisms include language, vocabulary, terminology, wording, dialect, diction, phraseology, phrasing, style and words

27. It produces incongruity of style where the thoughts and diction differ from the poet's own.

28. Poets confer honour neither on themselves nor on their work by using a sophisticated diction.

29. The performance, like the recording, is excellent with clear diction from the London Philharmonic Choir.

30. If one can speak of a vocal Achilles heel, then Miss Roocroft's is still her cloudy diction.

31. Antonyms for Blabber include sense, straight talk, fact, silence, diction, articulation, enunciation, annunciation, pronunciation and listener

32. This paper explicate through exemplification and comparison the thematic diversity and diction ambiguity of the poem.

33. The Chirography was the fashionable "long English;" the diction was good, and the orthography faultless.

34. 3 Headline is a component of journalese, but it has peculiar features in diction, sentence scheming, etc.

35. Aureate diction occurs in the noun phrase golden candle matutine, a circumlocution which stands for sun

36. Understanding is not conveyed solely through clear diction but has a lot to do with the language used.

37. The infidel review is crisp in style, its arguments Catchy, and the brilliancy of its diction captivates

38. "Clunky" is when you fuck the diction of the sentence so hard it calls you daddy

39. Noun Cacology a bad choice of words; faulty speech 3; noun Cacology defectively produced speech; socially unacceptable diction

40. Draw of body shell , crimp in foot fall, Unable diction , get feel painful to nothing slack transpierce psychical !

41. Angelology (Angelology, #1), Angelopolis (Angelology, #2), Untitled (Angelology, #3), and La malédiction des anges suivie de Angelopolis

42. Coleridge praises Cowper and Bowles for effecting a reconciliation between heart and head, and combining natural thoughts with natural diction.

43. Bepun Osn submonition Snorkel from the meat? Everybody lost faith and sense of diction is to liberate desire and serve

44. American argot is the diction that has Markle sit her fanny on a chair (her bottom, after finishing school Anglicizes her)

45. In this wonderful poem by John Cotton there is a mix of imaginative, Alliterating diction within a simple, repeating grammar and structure

46. Perhaps even more destructively, the Philharmonic Hall acoustic does not make for the clarity of diction experienced in the average theatre.

47. Confessional poets are “unflinching and generally extreme in their diction and address” (5) A Confessional poem centers on the self and doesn’t pull punches.

48. The diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassic periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.

49. Town Criers in fine voice And wannabe town Criers must have a fine speaking voice with clear diction and the ability to make themselves heard outside.

50. Because conflict, ambiguity, or tension controls the poem's structure, the meaning of the poem can be discovered only by analyzing contextually the poetic elements and diction.

51. ESPRIT DE CONTRA-DICTION : Imaginez que l'on chante le Contraire des paroles originalesÇa peut vite donner quelque chose de complètement absurde, non ? OK

52. Antiphrasis - Benightment - brutishness - ill breeding - impropriety - malapropism - pompousness - poor diction - stiltedness - uncouthness 12 letter words cumbrousness - impoliteness - inconcinnity - lack of finish - lack of polish - philistinism - troglodytism - unrefinement - unseemliness - …

53. A phonetics and diction expert makes a bet that he can teach a Cockney flower girl to speak proper English and pass as a lady in high society

54. The contrived stiffness of diction of this poem, with its ornate literary idiom, its forced imagery and sententious Attitudinizing, seems artificial and lifeless by comparison with the far greater

55. The enobling confessions , the convincing logic , the masterly diction , the elevated thoughts and the inspiring tone , all produced instantaneous effect on the audience including the judge and the prosecutor .

56. The aristocratic ideal of Miyabi demanded the elimination of anything that was absurd or vulgar and the "polishing of manners, diction, and feelings to eliminate all roughness and Crudity …

57. For, Conversely, character and thought are merely obscured by a diction that is over brilliant. Conversely, disease in the synovial membrane may spread to the bone in relation to it.

58. Such a diction, effervescent with the absurdities of transparent Barricadoes, "clerestories toward the south-north" (4.2.38), and the crazy metempsychoses of avian grandams, is an idiom from which the somber steward is fittingly barred.

59. Also apodeictic adjective Etymology: Latin Apodicticus, from Greek apodeiktikos, from apodeiknynai to demonstrate, from apo + deiknynai to show more at diction Date: circa 1645 expressing or of the nature of necessary truth or absolute certainty…

60. Apostrophize (Amer.) abac Jonah பொன்னாவிரை , சீமை ஆவிரை doze stagnate truncate bijeli dud diary parlamentaran kroz ham and poached egg in sauce quarto de dormir Brittany fujita scale civettuolo memorial ceremony agnelle barometr sala de estar gading sass rakotulkkisarja konec Kerry gvardijan diction

61. Call it the sense of the surprising, the naughty, the unexpected that clings to the Greek (in Aristophanes, the obscene and the scataological often occur as Bathetic closing words or phrases in lines that have until then been aping the solemn diction of tragedy).

62. These proceedings involve the consideration of some charge of crime , that is , of an offence against public law , and that charge is preferable before a court or tribunal which has or claims the juris - diction to impose punishments such as fines , imprison - ment , etc .

63. ‘It exhibits, he writes, ‘a vehemence and rapidity of mind, a Copiousness of images, and vivacity of diction.’’ ‘The heterogeneity of the culture of the United States and of its contemporary literature is one of its most remarkable features, and now more than ever it is characterized by Copiousness and diversity.’

64. ‘It exhibits, he writes, ‘a vehemence and rapidity of mind, a Copiousness of images, and vivacity of diction.’’ ‘The heterogeneity of the culture of the United States and of its contemporary literature is one of its most remarkable features, and now more than ever it is characterized by Copiousness and diversity.’

65. Highly sequenced and logical organisation and presentation Stating a position; making a case/presenting an argument; supporting one’s belief, even with statistics or established authorities; concluding with strong recommendation and appeal Instructional emphasis given to rhyme and alliteration, though not compulsory; form – stanzas and verses; and diction – careful choice of words

66. Abdicate (v.) 1540s, "to disown, disinherit (children)," from Latin abdicatus, past participle of abdicare "to disown, disavow, reject" (specifically abdicare magistratu "renounce office"), literally "proclaim as not belonging to one," from ab "off, away from" (see ab-) + dicare "proclaim" (from PIE root *deik-"to show," also "pronounce solemnly," and see diction).

67. Il monte la bougie du côté du gobelet et dans un lieu choisi avec antécédence ou dans son autel.: It promotes the candle of the side of the goblet and in a place chosen with Antecedence or its altar.: Surtout si ils ne sont pas plats, ou pas dans le plan de rotation de la planète (Prédiction publiée en Juin 2017, antécédence demandée pour cette date)

68. Three main characteristics mark these poems : a recurring reminiscent mood , a need to look back on the long path strewn with memories ; a widening horizon of thought and a deepening sympathy with what is commonly ignored , discarded despised , uninhibited by moral or social bias ; and a restless urge to explore to the farthest limits the possibilities of Bengali diction and rhythm and to draw uncanny music out of the seemingly discordant It would be wrong to imagine that these four books of prose - poems , remarkable as they are , mark , whether as an aberration or a further development ; a stage of no return , where Tagore ceased to be what he had always been .